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Notifications via Pushover.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:01 pm
by TTG

I'm new to NEMS and I'm struggling understanding one thing with the setup of the notifications via Pushover.

I'm running NEMS for Raspberry PI 4 and I've been playing around with monitoring some hosts.

All goes well, TV and other monitoring pages correctly ping things up, but I can only seem to trigger a notification push when I Acknowledge the down status in the GUI.

Basic test: Host -> IP address. Put it down -> not DOWN notification send. Not even after the first notification delay.

I been testing with possible values: d,u,r,f,s as well as d,r ...

Code: Select all

max check attempts	 10	 	
check interval		 1	
retry interval		 1	
first notification delay	5	 	
notification interval		15 	
notification options	d,u,r,f,s	 	
Contact group is set.

I does work instantly when I acknowledge the down status in NEMS

Thank in advance to point me in right direction!


Re: Notifications via Pushover.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:31 pm
by TTG
Think I fixed it! Checkin interval was set higher than notification interval and then I must have been changing things to quickly.

Seems to work now.